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網址:www.baodao666.com  2023-06-03  作者:admin    閱讀:

How to control the temperature of hot air circulating oven?
熱風循環烘箱在制藥生產中具有重要的意義,其中溫度控制是熱風循環烘箱在使用過程中需要注意的主要事項之一。據悉,熱風循環烘箱溫度范圍為室溫 ~ +250℃,高溫型為室溫 ~ +500℃。
Hot air circulating oven is of great significance in pharmaceutical production, and temperature control is one of the main matters that should be paid attention to in the use of hot air circulating oven. It is reported that the temperature range of hot air circulating oven is room temperature ~ +250 ℃, and that of high temperature type is room temperature ~ +500 ℃.
溫度是影響干燥效果的主要原因,在進行生產前,企業需要對熱風循環烘箱進行徹底的檢查,排除產生危害的因素。熱風循環烘箱開機前,首先將溫保開關的旋鈕順時針旋到被限位,然后按說明書規定步驟開機;否則有可能產生開機即報警并切斷電源現象,這型槽模具 一次性止血帶 保定水處理設備 一次性止血帶 保定空壓機 北京真空泵時候需要關掉電源,調好溫保開關再開機。
Temperature is the main reason affecting the drying effect. Before production, enterprises need to thoroughly inspect the hot air circulating oven to eliminate the harmful factors. Before starting the hot air circulation oven, first turn the knob of the temperature protection switch clockwise to the limited position, and then start the oven according to the steps specified in the manual; Otherwise, it may give an alarm and cut off the power supply when starting up. At this time, it is necessary to turn off the power supply and adjust the temperature protection switch before starting up.
